We are delighted to announce that we have formed an Investment Committee and Model Portfolio Service with M&G for the benefit of our clients.
Given the dynamic nature of the market at this time we want to make sure our clients benefit from making revisions to their portfolios on a regular basis. Our Model Portfolio Service will allow for automatic changes to fund managers and investment allocation to manage the level of risk and returns agreed with you. Our existing clients can opt for this service without incurring costs for the revision.
Economic factors as well as fund managers should be closely monitored. We believe that leveraging the resources, scale and research teams of M&G, who manage £370 Billion, will further improve our services.
Of course we continue to retain our status as an Independent Financial Adviser so can make and tailor any solutions to suit your individual requirements, preferences and objectives.
I am sure you are likely aware of the Bank of England increase to interest rates from 2.25% to 3% yesterday.
We are often asked about Interest rate expectations given that many of our clients have mortgages.
It may be somewhat reassuring that the Bank of England expect key measures of inflation to fall moving forward. Here a few interesting graphs:
Source: Bank of England
The UK is not alone in tackling inflation/interest rates as can be seen here:
Source: Bloomberg Finance L.P. and Bank calculations